Waikaremoana, on the eastern side of the Ureweras, was formed around 2000 years when a slip blocked the Waikaretaheke River at Onepoto. The big lake is at 1900ft, Waikareiti, the exquisit little lake above Aniwaniwa, sits at 3000ft, and the nearby peaks of Ngamoko and Panakiri are 3600ft and 3900ft respectively. Panakiri Bluff is a full 2000ft above the lake. As with other places in the lee of the ranges the turbulence here can be violent in any sort of westerly and it can be a bit too close to the sky in other winds with their clouds and rain so it's not somewhere to take a small aeroplane every day. These pictures were all taken during a flight on Good Friday afternoon, 2007 and I heard later on the grapevine that the persistent activity of a small Cessna lead some trampers on the lake track to think that one of their kin was lost.